Children In Health At Home

Alma L. Figueroa

Children these days need to be educated about basic health requirements as soon as possible, if they are going to be able to compete in the open market place. They need to be instructed on the basic requirements of hygiene and essential nutrition required for a healthy life. Simple things […]

How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value?

Alma L. Figueroa

Cryptocurrencies are the latest ‘big thing’ in the digital world and have now been recognized as being part of the monetary system. In fact, enthusiasts have tagged it as ‘the revolution of money’. In clear terms, cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that can be exchanged between users without the need […]

Designer Sunglasses Vs Cheap Sunglasses

Alma L. Figueroa

It’s a debate which has surrounded the fashion and shopping industry, as to which sunglasses should we invest in. Is it worthwhile spending hundreds on one pair of sunglasses? Or should we opt for a cheaper alternative? Today within this article I’m going to hopefully settle the dust, giving the […]

Top Beauty Influencers on YouTube

Alma L. Figueroa

Beauty YouTubers are mostly known and often referred to as “Beauty Gurus”, “Beauty Vloggers”, and/or “Beauty Influencers.” They are typically young women and men who create posts and videos all about cosmetics, fashion, make-ups and other beauty related topics on YouTube. There are more than 45,000 YouTube channels that specialize […]

Real Estate Disclosure Laws

Alma L. Figueroa

These laws legally force the seller of a home to disclose to the potential buyer any serious defects of the property. The laws were created to help protect the buyer from any defects that were not noticed until they closed on the house and become the owners. Many times it […]