Buy Apparels Online

Alma L. Figueroa

Whether you use it to browse for new styles and trends, or actually buy online, the internet has truly made fashion and buying apparels more accessible than ever before. From high end couture to basic t-shirts, the online fashion world is a hub for innovation, creativity, and lots of shopping! […]

It’s Your Life, Now Dress for It

Alma L. Figueroa

Why follow? When you follow, are you comfortable? When you follow, do you feel like yourself? When you follow, are you really accomplishing anything good for yourself? We all look at fashion on the television, and in the news and in the magazine pages. We check there, sometimes diligently, to […]

Origins and Functions of Clothing

Alma L. Figueroa

Clothing is a garment made from various kinds of materials and taking several forms used by men and women to cover their body. These garments maybe made from woven materials (silk, polyester), animal skin (leather and fur) or from synthetic materials (spandex). Some of the pieces of clothing commonly worn […]