Football Betting Advice – How to Bet Smart

Alma L. Figueroa

General Football Betting Tips 1.It’s obvious but it is the most important don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. 2. The only advantage that punters have over the Bookies is that we can choose not to bet, these days the bookies have to offer odds on nearly everything […]

Governments, Terrorism and Fake News

Alma L. Figueroa

“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Unfortunately, these days those words and goals are still not implemented and probably never will be. There are too many interests involved in establishing such an ideal government. Too much ego, prejudice, and economic, […]

Television News Vs Internet News

Alma L. Figueroa

Television is another medium of news and current affairs in any country or locality; more often news is being brought live and real time. However, internet can also bring such advantages for news viewers and readers. Aside from full articles on popular news, there are websites which enable viewers to […]

The Negative Affects of the Media on Teens

Alma L. Figueroa

Technological innovations have blessed human beings with advanced devices and facilities that have become an important part of daily lives. The internet is practically making the world go round by creating greater avenues for people to collaborate across the globe. Unfortunately, the over-indulgence of teenagers on the internet has started […]

Breaking News On the Web and TV

Alma L. Figueroa

Whenever we hear the term “Breaking News” a sense of urgency hits our brain. Suddenly we start paying more attention. This is nothing unusual for the human brain. Our brain responds to unusual things or events at a faster pace than it does to normal events. The visual and print […]

News Until You Puke

Alma L. Figueroa

I listen to way too much news. I feel if I don’t, I’ll miss the Second Coming, spreading Tsunami, in coming meteor, rising melt water from glaciers, a solar flare that might fry me, alien invasion or next terror attack that has been promised for the past four years. Since […]

What Are Underground Rivers?

Alma L. Figueroa

We are all familiar with rivers which flow on the surface of the earth. But strangely enough there are some underground rivers too. Do you know how under ground rivers are formed? There are many reasons which give birth to underground rivers. An underground river is formed when the uppermost […]

Role of Content in Mass Media

Alma L. Figueroa

The content of mass media is influenced by the socialization and attitude of the media workers: the manner in which the content of the media is selected or rejected and also processes vary from media to media but at operational levels it is more or less an individual decision for […]

NYC Parking Tickets Are All Over the News

Alma L. Figueroa

For immediate release More parking tickets are being issued than ever – why??? It’s been all over the news – Fox 5’s John Deutzman’s story revealed that parking tickets are being issued with false addresses. If these addresss really existed, they’d be blocks into the Atlantic Ocean. ABC’s Nina Pineda […]