Blessed Anna Maria Taigi and False Prophets

Alma L. Figueroa

A religious, known for his sanctity, believed that he had had a vision of two Angels who assured him his ambitious project was of Divine origin and would bear much fruit. When he told this to Anna Maria, she smiled sadly and gently informed him it would fail miserably. It did!

Then there was a Poor Clare who spread stories of having visions and receiving many mystical gifts. Because of this, she was able to establish a Reformed Franciscan Third Order. One of her sisters led many astray by alluding she had the gifts of St. Teresa of Avila. Bishops, priests, religious and laity alike were deluded by this nun who wrote and spoke cleverly, convincing everyone that she had the infused knowledge from God that Teresa once had. Anna Maria went to the two nuns and let them know that she was on to them and their deception. They brazenly denied it, insisting the Poor Clare did indeed possess all the Divine gifts of Teresa of Avila.

Although at times it seems the innocent will never know the truth, Our Lord Jesus will ultimately bring all things to light, not allowing his children to fall, if only they will use their eyes to see and their ears to hear. The nun’s Spiritual Director, Most Reverend Father General of the Friars Minor of the Observance, brought her to Bishop Natali’s attention (Anna Maria’s confessor). The bishop asked Anna Maria what she saw in the sun about this alleged visionary. Although she would not speak unkindly of the Sister, she told him not to waste his time visiting her. He understood all too clearly what she meant. It was not long after that, the Poor Clare nun was exposed, and she, the Most Reverend Father General and her nuns were brought before the Holy See and censured.

One time, a Cardinal came to Bishop Natali and asked for prayers, as an alleged Mystic had told him he would die shortly in Naples. Bishop Natali asked Anna Maria to look into the sun; she sent word to the Cardinal to have peace; he would have a peaceful trip to Naples and would return to Rome. But while there, he was to go to a certain convent where he would find two nuns: one with a reputation of being very pious and one who is believed to be a fool. He was to ignore the sanctimonious one, as she would lead him astray.

He was to listen to the other one, as she would give him the proper guidance. When the Cardinal returned to Rome, he tried to reward Anna Maria. She refused the monthly allowance he offered, to help feed her impoverished family, insisting he give it to a family she was not able to help because of her limited resources. When the Cardinal later became ill, Anna sent word that although the doctors said there was nothing seriously wrong with him, he should prepare to meet the Lord soon. The Cardinal put his house in order and died a peaceful death, a few days after Anna Maria had so prophesied.

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