Children In Health At Home

Alma L. Figueroa

Children these days need to be educated about basic health requirements as soon as possible, if they are going to be able to compete in the open market place. They need to be instructed on the basic requirements of hygiene and essential nutrition required for a healthy life.

Simple things like how to brush teeth, how often and what the minimum requirements is to ensure healthy teeth. It is these small requirements that are necessary in order to give your child the best chances of getting ahead in life.

Any child learns from the parents as long as they live together they will be influenced by the daily feeding regime the family follows, including hygiene and daily duties like washing and general cleanliness. These habits get entrenched in the child’s mind very quickly.

With chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer achieving the fastest growing disease in America. every parent should consider it a duty to ensure that the children in the home are correctly instructed on the minimum requirement for optimal health.

As we teach children who are growing up to not throw trash on the floor, we should constantly be alert to ensure their continued health/ If a child can see a parent exercising on a regular basis the chances that he/she will continue this kind of habit when they live alone are a lot better than if they were never exposed to exercise or sport of any kind.

The most important is daily nutrition. If a child growing up gets a burger and fries every second day the chances of them growing up overweight are dramatically increased. We are what we eat and our bodies have still not adapted to the enormous amount of processed foods that we eat.

This awareness alone could change the chances of your child developing a stronger resistance to the illnesses that ravage more than 30% of Americans. By selecting unprocessed foods like organically grown goods you will immediately improve your child’s immune system and his/her ability to resist the pending onslaught of processed foods.

The point is that when a child grows up in a home that is nutritionally aware they will adopt these habits when they leave home and increase their chances of survival. Our survival in the nutritionally depleted world of junk food and highly processed foods is now directly linked to the increase in diabetes and cancer across the world.

When running a home it is the simple things in life that will make a difference. For example having a bowl of fruit available for the children to help themselves whenever they choose could be the difference that will ensure that they get all the balanced nutrients for optimal health.

70% of obese people grew up with incorrect daily nutritional in-put. Nutritionists and dietitians tell fascinating stories about a large obese person suffering from malnutrition because their diet is lacking certain minimum requirements.

At the risk of repeating the simple things, we can make a difference to our child’s internal fortitude by simply encouraging them to drink 8 glasses of water a day. The sooner these minimum requirements are a way of life for any child the sooner he/she will be able to compete in this highly competitive world.

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