Billionaire Mark Cuban urged Americans to put one another “above politics” on Thursday by donating money to food banks instead of the U.S. Senate runoff races in Georgia.
“For those considering donating to Reps or Dems in the Georgia Senate run-offs, can you please re-consider and donate that money to your local foodbank and organizations that can help those without food or shelter? Lets put Americans in need above Politics,” Cuban said.
For those considering donating to Reps or Dems in the Georgia Senate run-offs, can you please re-consider and donat…
— Mark Cuban (@Mark Cuban)
But according to singer John Legend, that is not the best use of money for Americans right now.
What did Legend say?
Instead, Legend said Americans should donate to the Georgia Senate runoff races, claiming that giving Democrats control of the Senate would be more “impactful” than donating to food banks.
“I get that politics is annoying and contentious, but the bottom line is that the Senate flipping would be far more impactful than a food bank donation. We need massive stimulus and aid to individuals and small businesses. Government needs to do this,” Legend replied.
“Charity isn’t sufficient,” he added.
Critics slammed Legend for his comments.
“How much is the Democratic establishment paying you? Seriously advocating against donating to food banks to donate to political campaigns is utterly detestable. It’s a damn shame quite frankly. Remember you said this if we ever see a food shortage anytime soon,” one person said.
“This is crazy, John. Democrats just blocked a Senate bill that had funding for individuals and small businesses, House Democrats’ bill didn’t even have small business funding. Telling people not to feed the homeless because a Dem government will take care of them is just wrong,” another person said.
‘Come on John’
In response, Cuban sarcastically suggested Americans should stop donating to charity altogether because, of course, politics will solve all our problems.
“Let’s go all the way. Stop donating to charity, give those $ to politicians because 1 party will solve all of our problems! Come on John. There is a point of diminishing returns on political ad spend, there are no diminished returns when it comes to feeding the hungry,” Cuban said.
Let’s go all the way. Stop donating to charity, give those $ to politicians because 1 party will solve all of our p…
— Mark Cuban (@Mark Cuban)
Legend responded by saying, “charity isn’t going to be sufficient to address all the suffering out there. We need big spending that only governments can do at scale.”
“I believe the Democrats will do more to help the country recover. Period. I don’t think it’s even close. Mitch will be obstructionist and try to find ways to make Biden a one-term president, just as he promised (and failed) to do with Obama,” Legend added.
For his part, the Grammy Award-winning musician said he would be doing both — donating to politicians and charity.
Analysts say more than $1 billion could be spent in both of Georgia’s runoff elections because control over the Senate hinges on both of those races. Democrats would need to win both seats to have effective control in the Senate.
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