Crash Barriers are usually made of strong galvanised steel. It is designed in such a way as to withstand the impact from a moving vehicle and protects whatever lies on the impact side. It can be a vehicle, a pedestrian, expensive equipment, shelving, or some sort of machinery. Car park barriers are usually installed by the side of highways, an industrial area where heavy machinery or equipment is used, in public car parks, and various other places.
You could mainly find two types of crash barriers. One is the Dig barrier and the second one is the Bolt down barrier.
- Dig in: They are usually set in a concrete foundation that is dug into the soft ground. It can also be dug into tarmac or stone.
- Bolt down: They are bolted down to a particular concrete surface that suits them. It is also accompanied by floor anchor bolts.
Some of the car park crash barriers have ETA-approved floor anchors that would provide a much longer life expectancy. They are galvanised and can face any kind of weather conditions – indoors or outdoors. The barriers can also be powder-coated yellow. It would then act as a deterrent that prevents collisions from occurring. The installation of car park crash barriers can be a good investment. It can prevent serious damage and injury. However, if you are looking for safety barriers suppliers, you could easily find them through a thorough search online.
What Type of Crash Barriers You Might Need?
If you need park barriers for a private car park, the main cause of injury to pedestrians would be caused by being stuck or getting crushed by moving vehicles as they walk past. The vehicles might also cause damage to other parked vehicles. All such accidents can be avoided if you install crash barriers properly as they can keep the pedestrians and parked cars away from moving vehicles.
Once you establish the need for crash barrier protection, you will have to consider the type, size, amount, and cost of the barriers. To make sure that you set up the right crash barrier in place, carry out a risk assessment test to identify the vulnerable areas. You could thus easily find out the requirements in a short time. Once you measure and calculate the area where you need to install the car park barriers, you could check for the number of corners, post spacing for greater protection, length of the barriers, beams, end protection, post section, bolt down posts, and the finishing of the barrier. Once you figure this out, you could easily calculate the requirements, several barriers, the amount you have to invest for it, and arranging a team of professionals to install the car crash barriers. Make sure that you seek the help of professionals to get the crash barriers installed so that it is installed without any hassles or errors. You could easily find a team of professionals who ensure that the work is done well, right from the beginning till the end.