Newspaper Writing Tips – 5 Effective Tips to Writing Good News Articles

1. Write for your readers. Start by choosing the stories for your news articles. While you’re at it, ensure that you take your readers into consideration. Ask yourself, what kind of stories are they interested in? If you’re writing for broadsheets, your audience will surely appreciate more serious, hard-hitting stories. You can target less serious ones if you’re writing for tabloids.

2. Keep it tight and short. You don’t have a lot of space to fill. So, it will help if you just pick the 3 most important points that your readers need to know. Arrange them based on their importance and present the most compelling one first. Tell your readers your stories using as few words as possible.

3. Quality is very important. Ensure that your articles are well-written and impressive. Write your first draft and revise until your copies are perfect (or at least close to it). Avoid redundancy. Even if you’re writing a topic that is potentially boring, you should still be able to tell it in a very interesting manner.

4. Don’t use jargon and words that your readers will have difficulty understanding. Not all people have wide range of vocabulary. So, avoid using technical terms or high fallutin words that can make the process of understanding your content a bit complicated for your readers.

5. Learn from the experts. Read great, excellent writings from people who have excelled in this field like those ones who are writing for The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Associated Press. Get to know their writing techniques and copy their style. This is one way to follow their footsteps.

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Double Life of a US Army General: Watchword Is Sex

Sex is a driving force and as per the theories of Hegel and Kant the driving force in a man’s life. The philosophers also identified power as another driving force but added a rider that sex flowed from power. Sex and power is a heady cocktail and many succumb to […]
Double Life of a US Army General: Watchword Is Sex

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