Robin Quivers’ Master Cleanse Diet Story

Beyonce made the Master Cleanse popular, but it is not only her who used it. Robin Quivers, The Howard Stern host, lost weight through this special lemonade diet. She had three 21- days sessions to reduce 70 lbs. Robin heard about it when magician David Blaine endorsed the weight loss program.

Using this popular diet, individuals can only drink water, lemon, grade B maple syrup and cayenne pepper mixture. This would be combined with laxative tea, a salt water flush, or even the consumption of water or herbal teas throughout the day. The lemonade aids in breaking down the toxins, while laxative tea and the flush would remove the toxins out of the body.

By drinking this mixture, you can improve your internal body organs and how they function. Aside from that, for those who are suffering constipation and flatulence, the lemonade can help with these issues as well. But just remember that it’s crucial to follow the Master Cleanse diet using the correct feature to get the best results.

Robin also mentioned that she is more confident right now, she sleeps better, her stiffness and joint pains have gone away along with the pounds. Colleagues and friends noted on how happy and confident Robin is right now because of the diet. Quivers also mentioned that drinking the Master Cleanse had helped her increase her energy levels and at the same time achieve better health.

For results to be significant or for it to work, it should be strictly be followed for at least 10 days. Studies showed that the Master Cleanse can be done by people who are suffering with acute and chronic conditions. It can also help those that need a boost of energy or just want to improve their overall health.

Because of many people testifying on the amazing results of Master Cleanse, more and more people are looking at it as an option for quickly losing weight. But, there are still some Master Cleanse users, especially the beginners, who are still finding it difficult to get through the first stage and fail.

But before you take the plunge and perform the Master Cleanse diet, make sure that your body is suited for it. Robin Quivers lost a lot of weight through the cleanse, but she also pushed herself to live a healthier lifestyle.

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